Automotive Liaison Services,LLC

The Ultimate Car-Buying Experience

The consultants at A.L. Services are dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive, informative and hassle-free way to purchase your next vehicle. We are revolutionizing the way vehicles are purchased. This technique is achieved by studying the car-buying industry and compiling information that will benefit you, the customer, on buying and negotiating the price and interest rates of your next vehicle.

The car-buying industry is a multi-billion dollar business that continues to grow and change at an astronomical rate. The reason this industry can and will continue to grow and change is because of customers like you and I. We contribute billions of dollars per year because of a lack of knowledge. We as comsumers don't know the "ins" and the "outs" of a car-buying process. We loose a lot of money because we don't know how to negotiate. The salepersons are trained to capitalize on our lack of knowledge. Our consultants are trained to capitalize on the negotiating phases of the transaction. Our consultants research the automobile market, find hidden monies on vehicles, find the best interest rates and negotiate the best prices, without you feeling any pressure or experiencing any intimidation or headaches while purchasing. We act as you advocates at the dealer, so you are never alone at the dealership. We do all of the leg work and you reap the benefits.

A.L. Services was created to serve the public with integrity by achieving excellence in resolving and mediating their transportation problems. We take personal pride in working as a company constantly improving through training, researching and treating the customer with courtesy, respect, honesty, and professionalism.

Automotive Liaison Services,LLC


This package includes the location and negotiation phases of the contract. We will locate the vehicle of your choice, new or used. We will negotiate the purchase price on your behalf, as well as, negotiate the interest rates to ensure you get the best financing. All you have to do is test drive the vehicle and sign the papers. Its that simple!! We do the rest. This package also includes performing the negotiations with trade-ins and assisting in seeking finance for the vehicle.

Package price:$450.00


This package includes ALS BASIC PLUS. This package is for the extremely busy person. The ELITE package offers the works. You never have to step into a dealership. We do it all!! We locate your vehicle, negotiate the purchase, transport the contract and deliver your new car to your home or office. A complete package and you never left your living room or desk.

Package price:$825.00

We are dedicated to making this the most PLEASURABLE car-buying ordeal that you will ever experience. We are so sure that you will be 100% satisfied, that we are GUARANTEEING the service. Give us a try and experience the way car buying should take place.

Car-Buying: The PLEASURABLE Way

Contact one of our consultants or e-mail us to find out how the revolutionary process can save you; *Time *$1000s of Dollars *Aggravations & Headaches *Intimidation and Pressure to Buy

We are proud members of the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Atlanta
Disclaimer: These services are currently limited to the State of Georgia